Wednesday, February 28, 2007
.: Stranger in the Forest - part III :.

.: Contemplation :.
Today at the hospital while waiting for the doctor I overheard several stuff that makes me feel so grateful.The first one is a quarrel between a man and a woman. I have no idea what's wrong with the man but he's the one who got sick all suddenly while they were dating (i must add that they're well dressed!) and the girl has to drive him to the hospital. Somehow she's disgruntled, pulling a scene, complaining loudly about how unhappy she is, their relationship sucks, etc. While she's whining, the man cut her, saying "You know what, life, happiness, sadness, sometimes even death, is all up to you and your choices. Do not drag anyone, especially your parents, into our problems. Our live is our own responsibility." The rest is not important, just some funny argument the girl is saying, but I could not agree more with the man's word! How interesting when I was in such a dilemma, the advice came from nowhere! :D So thank you, fighting couple.
The second one is a very sad one. A man younger than me came in looking very pale, and I overheard (mind you, I did not eavesdrop, they spoke so loud!) that he got acute pancreas problem, have to be hospitalized immediately or he may die. His equally young fiancee went away from the bed and made a phone call to someone, sobbing... telling whoever on the other line the news and wondering how can they pay the expenses. I think whoever she called suggested another hospital, a cheaper one, or just buy some painkillers for now until they can find some money to pay the expenses. At that moment I felt sad for them, but selfishly grateful, how blessed am I and so do most of you, my friends. Be grateful for what you have. Let us pray for the man's recovery.
The second one is a very sad one. A man younger than me came in looking very pale, and I overheard (mind you, I did not eavesdrop, they spoke so loud!) that he got acute pancreas problem, have to be hospitalized immediately or he may die. His equally young fiancee went away from the bed and made a phone call to someone, sobbing... telling whoever on the other line the news and wondering how can they pay the expenses. I think whoever she called suggested another hospital, a cheaper one, or just buy some painkillers for now until they can find some money to pay the expenses. At that moment I felt sad for them, but selfishly grateful, how blessed am I and so do most of you, my friends. Be grateful for what you have. Let us pray for the man's recovery.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
.: Happy Tuesday again! :.
what a quiet day today... on a bright side, it's not raining anymore! huzzah! haven't got a good story just yet... but there's still 8 more hours of tuesday here in Indo. And look what I ate today:
It's stir-fry pare ... Moreen's most hated vegetable... and I doubt it's anyone else' favorite except mine! Mwahaha ... I think it's absolutely delicious.. And I went to a craft shop in Bandung, look what I found!
It's a handmade windchime! Mushroom shape with leafy patterns, made from plaster (that's my guess) I got it at Tidar, where they sell more of this windchimes in many sizes & styles. Also available are wood cigar boxes, wood business card holder silkscreen with Bandung's Gedung Sate on the cover, kaleng kerupuk in many sizes & colors... so much fun! I don't think they let me photograph those objects though...

Monday, February 26, 2007
.: Happy Monday ! :.
Ugh another rainy day goes by... It makes me feeling so very sleepy today and didn't get much of the work done. But look what I made for lunch:
Yes, finally. My own version of paikutfan! Minus the ground pork though... hmm maybe for next time. It taste quite good! Not as good as the original, but hey... I've tried! Mood has not improved just yet but I'm working on it. I just either need to learn to wait or forget. Not knowing which one to do just yet, tho... So I just skate the worries away! Hope you all have a pleasant Monday! Just remember it's 5 more days to weekend... LOL

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” ~ Winnie the Pooh
"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. Not knowing which one to do is the worst kind of suffering" ~ Paulo Coelho
"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. Not knowing which one to do is the worst kind of suffering" ~ Paulo Coelho
Sunday, February 25, 2007
.: Sunday Recap :.
Another week goes by... Glad this week is over though. It was such a sad, sad week. FYI there are several days in my colorful,tasty food-filled life, that I'm just feeling really down. So, sorry if I've been mean to anyone or bug you with melancholic curhat... But, I am sure next week will be better! Things to do:
1. Golf golf golf
2. Exercise...
3. Borrow some inspiring books
4. Watch The Illusionist, buy Babel...
5. Find more silly pictures to entertain you people
6. Eat more 'jajanan pasar' to torture ms M & mr S ... 4 more weeks!!!
and many many more... Oh, stop procrastinating! And no more chocolates! :p
1. Golf golf golf
2. Exercise...
3. Borrow some inspiring books
4. Watch The Illusionist, buy Babel...
5. Find more silly pictures to entertain you people
6. Eat more 'jajanan pasar' to torture ms M & mr S ... 4 more weeks!!!
and many many more... Oh, stop procrastinating! And no more chocolates! :p
.: quiet sunday :.
It's still raining hard in Bandung... so mellow. And where is everybody? Hello? So I decided it's spring cleaning time and I do have lots of mess to take care of. Garage sale, anyone? Mom made this bakuteh since I asked her about bakut almost everyday since I'm craving Pearl's paikutfan... Nothing beats Mom's home cooking. Except grandma's home cooking, mebbe. I wonder why all moms are good cooks... hmm... should learn from her!

Chilli haven at Heaven on Seven, Chicago. Can anyone spot sambel ABC or sambel tjap jempol? Yunk?!Oh, and I dedicate this picture for my friend Moreen: Happy Lent Season! mwahahaha.. Good luck nyeh!

Saturday, February 24, 2007
.: 40 days & 40 nights :.
Ok, so I'm not the friendliest person on planet earth. Not good, not good at all. I got this challenge not to be annoying & grumbling for 40 days & 40 nights (lent season). ~ Btw how could you think of such a challenge for me?? meanie!! :D ~ Two days into lent and I've been screaming mad to several people. I apologized though, everything went well. So, starting today, I still have 37 more days to go and I am so going to win this challenge!! Wish me luck! Oh, and I won't eat sushi for 40 days as well, wish me luck for that also.
.: Sweet & Salty Saturday :.
My life is usually bittersweet, but today it has a special flavor: sweet & salty. Sweet from the moment I spent with my good friends, just talking and laughing, and the salty might come from our tears. How very melancholic! Anyway, we ate sweet & salty stuff today:
It's a Banana Wrap & Cheese from Kafe Excelso, Setiabudi. We thought it taste good but not too special, it's like those 'pisang keju' you can get in front of your school from a snack stand. Well, at least in front of my old High School...
And I recently discover that BlitzMegaplex' caramel popcorn is really tasty! I actually drive to Parijs Van Java, on a busy saturday night, dragging Moreen with me, battling crazy angkot, honking crazy CR-V (B 388 BK) & 1-hr traffic jam just to get this big box of caramel popcorn from a movie theatre, without planning to see any movie at all. It's totally worth it. :p (can anyone guess what movie I'm planning to see tomorrow though? Hint: look at the poster behind me)

Friday, February 23, 2007
.: Show and Tell Friday, 02 23 07 :.

Showcase of the day is my lovely bedtime companions: Choobie and Buttercup. Choobie is a melancholic alligator with soft green fur. He's vegetarian, that's why he can be friendly with Buttercup the Hippo. Buttercup have chubby cheeks and rounded shape, She's my favorite because she has a very very soft yellow fur. Both are very huggable and I always take them with me when I travel. Except when I have to act 'grown-up'.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
.: Social Duckie :.
Oooh RD had so much fun on his day out! He went to two places, Blend Cafe~seemingly a Thursday hangout place~ and 'Oh La La' Cafe in Istana Plaza. And this is what we snacked on at Blend:
It is called Dendie's Salmon with Honey & Mayonaise. For me it's quite yummy but the platter is too small! :D Karla did not like it tho... After that we went to Istana Plaza and hangout with Moreen at Oh La La cafe. Everyone say hi to Moreen! And RD!
We got two topics of the day. One is ghost stories of Gambung; never failed to amuse me. I got several good ones, real ones! Don't want to scare you guys to death, now.. The second one is, on friendship. If you care so much for your friends, will you stop him/her from self destruction? Will you let them know how much you care? Or you're just going to keep all those feelings locked up?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
.: lazy me :.
Ok, I confess ... I am lazy lately. Not only procrastinating, but also lazy bum-bum. Gotta get out there, right pals? But I cannot stop eating good food and left you guys without something to drool on. Here is what I ate for lunchie yesterday:
Yummy lotek from Kafe Bali (LOL), the best one in Bandung! Also yummy is their Gado-gado, hmm, maybe next time!
now those are J.Co donuts : glazzy, alcapone, and mango glazzy. Not a big fan of donuts, but they looked sooo good and smell soooooo yummy, can't help it. Another favorite are the tiramisu and green tea flavor, but they're too sweet for me. Then I'll get sugar high for the rest of the day. Not pretty. And now this is what I found yesterday while driving down Jalan Pasteur:
Asep is so romantic, but to whom that statement is for??? Random girl?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
.: Sad Twosday :.
"There are days when spelling Tuesday simply does not count..." - Winnie the Pooh
Not the happiest day, so sorry if I'm very crabby. Aside from it has been raining since forever but also a recent event has made me feel very sad and I feel like I have a big empty void in my heart and wishing for a very dramatic crying session. Although, definitely the void is not on my stomach! Lookie:
It's a plate of Sunshine Roll from Sushi Groove. When upset, always, always run to sushi. And a good cup of coffee. And good old chocolate:
Anybody remember that chocolate brand? A very nice re-packaging I think ... Very appropriate. Oh maybe having these stuff will cheer me up...
L-R: A pink PSP, a blue Nintendo DS Lite with 1gB memory, a Holga camera with it's color filters, and of course, the almighty iPhone. Gotta stop buying shoes then!
Not the happiest day, so sorry if I'm very crabby. Aside from it has been raining since forever but also a recent event has made me feel very sad and I feel like I have a big empty void in my heart and wishing for a very dramatic crying session. Although, definitely the void is not on my stomach! Lookie:

Monday, February 19, 2007
.: Recap? :.
Uh, okay. Haven't got a chance to do bloggy.. It seems that I'm still a procrastinator; haven't done anything I said I'd do last week!! Bad, bad me. I still haven't try golf, haven't eat at those places I wanted to eat, and I haven't got a chance to make paikutfan. But today I ate something porky:
Isn't that yummmy???? It's the Smoked Pork from Glosis Cafe, better with mashed potatoes & a glass of white wine. (forgot to order the mashed potatoes)
Got something new today! Mom dislike my messy room, so she got me a new TV rack so I can re-organize my DVDs & CDs. Nice, eh? Still very clean without any mess on top!

Ok ... I will not procrastinate, I am so going to do whatever I said I'm going to do last week! And I don't have picture of the day, but I have quote of the day : "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." Guess who said it? Voltaire! What a kidder...

Got something new today! Mom dislike my messy room, so she got me a new TV rack so I can re-organize my DVDs & CDs. Nice, eh? Still very clean without any mess on top!

Ok ... I will not procrastinate, I am so going to do whatever I said I'm going to do last week! And I don't have picture of the day, but I have quote of the day : "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." Guess who said it? Voltaire! What a kidder...
Sunday, February 18, 2007
.: goodies! :.

I loove cute dresses & tops, especially from Anthropologie & forever 21. Look what I found while browsing today! From L-R:
destination dress
ana maria babydoll
please & thank you tee
dragonfly blouse
beanstalk skirt
eyelet blouse
Saturday, February 17, 2007
.: Gong Xi Fat Choi? :.
It's Chinese New Year already, the year of the Pig! No idea which pig, some said it's Earth Pig, others said Fire Pig. I am a Lamb, and read more about earth lamb here.
Anyways, Happy Chinese New Year! May you all have a prosperous, fruitful and healthy life. Just like on the regular new year, I caught the New Year syndrome: more resolutions! :p
My family does not follow the traditional ways of celebrating Chinese New Year, but we have dinner on the NY's eve. This is what I ate:
We ate at RaaCha Suki in Cihampelas Walk, where you can create your own suki - some sort of shabu2. They provided several types of meatballs, vegetables, noodles, mushrooms, etc. You choose whatever you like and pay according to what you've picked. I made mine with lots of mushroom, tofu, cheese ball, fish cake, shumay and cabbage. Right next to RaaCha (which is a Thai restaurant), is my favorite noodle shop.
If you are in Bandung and desperately missing Hakata Ramen (or that other ramen shop), this is where you can find something that can 'cure' your cravings. Their Shinmen Special is really good! They also have tasty Tori Karaage if you missed FuRaiBo's.Yum!
Anyways, Happy Chinese New Year! May you all have a prosperous, fruitful and healthy life. Just like on the regular new year, I caught the New Year syndrome: more resolutions! :p
My family does not follow the traditional ways of celebrating Chinese New Year, but we have dinner on the NY's eve. This is what I ate:

If you are in Bandung and desperately missing Hakata Ramen (or that other ramen shop), this is where you can find something that can 'cure' your cravings. Their Shinmen Special is really good! They also have tasty Tori Karaage if you missed FuRaiBo's.Yum!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
.: Happy Thursday! :.
Goood morning people! As usual, thursday is RD's social outing day; today he went to Starbucks @ Bandung Super Mall.

The topic of the day was about dreams and passion. How passionate are you in what you're doing right now? What have you done to attain your dreams? "When you want something so bad, the universe will help you to reach that goal." ~ the Alchemist. "A journey of a thousand mile starts with a single step." ~ Lao Zhi. And... I can go on with other philosophical thoughts but, the point is, never stop dreaming!

The topic of the day was about dreams and passion. How passionate are you in what you're doing right now? What have you done to attain your dreams? "When you want something so bad, the universe will help you to reach that goal." ~ the Alchemist. "A journey of a thousand mile starts with a single step." ~ Lao Zhi. And... I can go on with other philosophical thoughts but, the point is, never stop dreaming!
.: Stranger in the Forest - part II :.

After a long discussion, the forest inhabitants agreed not to let this peculiar mr Fish to meet with Leo, the king of the jungle. Furious, Mr Fish force his way in and was met by a black-faced sheep. Mr Fish almost run for his life but Dodo the deer shows up. He and the black-faced sheep are trying to smuggle him into the forest. They're curious about him and the ocean where he came from. Meanwhile, not too far away, a horse who usually bring news and a packet of tasty snack to the king, reported the sightings of an ocean creature.
.: Oopsie :.
Oh dear I post this too late ... :p Sorry! Anyway, Happy Lovey Dovey Day to all my lovely friends... Hugs & kisses! :D
I love the sweet scent of a rose and how very girly it looks. :p Look, my favorite bear is smelling a red rose too! Anyone had a lovely Valentine's day? Any stories to share? Hate valentine? LOL ... Anyways I hope you had a good one and never ceased to believe in love. :)

I love the sweet scent of a rose and how very girly it looks. :p Look, my favorite bear is smelling a red rose too! Anyone had a lovely Valentine's day? Any stories to share? Hate valentine? LOL ... Anyways I hope you had a good one and never ceased to believe in love. :)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
.: Happy Lovey Dovey Day :.
It's that time of the year again! The day of chocolates and roses and romantic movies-marathon on tv. I'm not very fond of chick-flicks, but I'm a hopeless romantic who still believes that love conquers all. So here are a few romantic movies that I like:
1. You've Got Mail - got Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks, as always
2. Moulin Rouge - the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return...
3. What Women Wants - oooh how i wish there is a man who really knows what I want
4. Serendipity - things happened for a reason? fate?
5. Wedding Planners - it is shot at the most romantic town in US!! can't stand J.Lo shrill voice, but she did well in this one.
1. You've Got Mail - got Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks, as always
2. Moulin Rouge - the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return...
3. What Women Wants - oooh how i wish there is a man who really knows what I want
4. Serendipity - things happened for a reason? fate?
5. Wedding Planners - it is shot at the most romantic town in US!! can't stand J.Lo shrill voice, but she did well in this one.
Funny thing is, along with all the romantic movies, one tv station also aired 'Basic Instinct' on Valentine's day. Intentional? Nationwide practical joke? Anyway I shot this picture a while ago and I think it's a perfect one for Valentine:
Here honey, let us share this and I'll hold it for you . . .

Monday, February 12, 2007
.: Happy Tuesday :.
It's still raining hard in Bandung, day & night. I love rain but not thunderstorm. I love the sounds of raindrops, and I could spend some time just looking at one drop on the window tries to connect with another drop. (had too much time on my hand) I tried to capture the rain using my digicam, but it's not easy. can you see the raindrops? Silvery glittery raindrops?

Since I'm too lazy to get out in the middle of the rain, I decided to clean up my desk! The picture on the left is the before, and the right is the after. No difference huh? Only move things around? And no, i did not hide all the clutters behind Max!!!
I'm such a ratpack, but I think most graphic designers are ratpacks, we keep scraps of pretty paper, piles after piles of paper swatchbooks, nice shopping bags, etc etc on top of the usual credit card receipts & bills .
And this is for lunch:

The pic on the left is a bit gruesome, I know. It looks like a tofu-murder scene. It is a dish called 'Sambel Goreng Ati', and I do not have any proper translation for it. Chicken gizzards, tofu, a stinky veggie called petai & chilli. It's not as spicy as it looks. The picture on the right, now, is what we called 'Serabi', some sort of pancake, eaten with brown sugar syrup. Looks so yummy!

Since I'm too lazy to get out in the middle of the rain, I decided to clean up my desk! The picture on the left is the before, and the right is the after. No difference huh? Only move things around? And no, i did not hide all the clutters behind Max!!!

And this is for lunch:

The pic on the left is a bit gruesome, I know. It looks like a tofu-murder scene. It is a dish called 'Sambel Goreng Ati', and I do not have any proper translation for it. Chicken gizzards, tofu, a stinky veggie called petai & chilli. It's not as spicy as it looks. The picture on the right, now, is what we called 'Serabi', some sort of pancake, eaten with brown sugar syrup. Looks so yummy!
.: Quiet Monday :.
I was going to declare Monday as a Funny Picture of the Week, but it is so very gloomy today, I'm in no mood to do bloggy. It's a blue monday today. I did not eat anything extraordinary and didn't do anything different than usual. The only thing that makes me happy is I got to meet two of my most favorite people here:

They are my very pretty best friends, thirza & tohir. Say hi to them! By the way, thirza wants to show off her new purse. :D
And I got this from Gayunk which cracked me up, I hope you like it too.

They are my very pretty best friends, thirza & tohir. Say hi to them! By the way, thirza wants to show off her new purse. :D
And I got this from Gayunk which cracked me up, I hope you like it too.

Sunday, February 11, 2007
.: Weekly Recap :.
Okay... so Sunday is Recap day. One thing I knew for sure, I ate a lot. :D Tons of good food!Maybe since I've recovered from the severe flu I caught last week, it's time to exercise again! Hap, two three four...
It was a slow week (since i was sick...) with several downtime that usually happened at night when my mind wander off... note to self: do not talk to myself before sleep. just count sheep. ooh i rhymed!
Anyone enjoying my chitter chatter so far? Let's see what's going to happen next week...
1. More Bandung's food review such as SIOMAY BANDUNG, mie rica, rendang padang, soto betawi, sate sapi ... etc
2. The next episode of 'stranger in the forest'!
3. Another adventure of RD! What will this social-climber duck do?
4. I will try to make my own version of paikutfan! Got some input from Ms M, thx girl! yippee!
5. I am going to learn how to golf, after procrastinating for so long! No squirrels will be harmed here. :p
Okay, have a nice Sunday everybody! If you have any ideas or comments, do email me. However I do not take complaints.:p
It was a slow week (since i was sick...) with several downtime that usually happened at night when my mind wander off... note to self: do not talk to myself before sleep. just count sheep. ooh i rhymed!
Anyone enjoying my chitter chatter so far? Let's see what's going to happen next week...
1. More Bandung's food review such as SIOMAY BANDUNG, mie rica, rendang padang, soto betawi, sate sapi ... etc
2. The next episode of 'stranger in the forest'!
3. Another adventure of RD! What will this social-climber duck do?
4. I will try to make my own version of paikutfan! Got some input from Ms M, thx girl! yippee!
5. I am going to learn how to golf, after procrastinating for so long! No squirrels will be harmed here. :p
Okay, have a nice Sunday everybody! If you have any ideas or comments, do email me. However I do not take complaints.:p
.: Fulfilling Sunday :.
Ah, I had such a fulfilling day today ... with good food full of trans-fat! :D We went to a street called Jalan Rama which had several rows of small restaurants. The top favorites are Pempek Pa Raden, Kuo Tie Rama, and Bakmie Akong. The kuotie, or dumpling, have a tasty vinegar&garlic sauce, so yummy. The pempek ( which I'm sure a certain native Palembang boy will say not good enough) is one of the best in Bandung, have sour & spicy sauce. They also sell Ice Kacang Merah or Red Bean Ice, which has sweet red beans topped with shaved ice and condensed milk, the chocolate one. This afternoon I was so very hungry & sleepy so I decided to splurge on a plate of Nougat Cheesecake at Starbucks. :D

L-R clockwise: Kuo Tie Rama, Pempek Pak Raden, Red Bean Ice, Nougat Cheesecake & Caramel Frapuccino

L-R clockwise: Kuo Tie Rama, Pempek Pak Raden, Red Bean Ice, Nougat Cheesecake & Caramel Frapuccino
Saturday, February 10, 2007
.: healthy plummy :.
.: Social Updates :.
Hello my friends, today I have one amusing picture that I'm very very sure will crack you up ...

See any difference with me? Uh huh, I cut my bangs ... junior high-school style. No more comments on that. And I took my new bangs around the mall, along with Angel & Moreen who looked at me with pity... :D
We ate at Gelato Bar, which have several tasty cafe-style food, and we loooove their caesar's salad:

Recommended also is their Pasta with Creamy Mushroom Sauce. And they have several flavors of gelato, my favorites are the mango yoghurt, wild berry, and regular yoghurt. Yumm!

See any difference with me? Uh huh, I cut my bangs ... junior high-school style. No more comments on that. And I took my new bangs around the mall, along with Angel & Moreen who looked at me with pity... :D
We ate at Gelato Bar, which have several tasty cafe-style food, and we loooove their caesar's salad:

Recommended also is their Pasta with Creamy Mushroom Sauce. And they have several flavors of gelato, my favorites are the mango yoghurt, wild berry, and regular yoghurt. Yumm!
.: Picture of the Day :.
Saturday is : Interesting Picture Day. And look what I found at Bandung Super Mall:

The text, translated in english, reads "Box for Toilet Tickets Raffles." In several malls, you have to pay between Rp 500- 1000 to use the toilet and you will get a receipt/ticket ... so if you pee a lot at Bandung Super Mall, you might win something! How about that? Only in Indonesia I guess... for indo people: pipis berhadiah tuh, daripada di semak2!!

The text, translated in english, reads "Box for Toilet Tickets Raffles." In several malls, you have to pay between Rp 500- 1000 to use the toilet and you will get a receipt/ticket ... so if you pee a lot at Bandung Super Mall, you might win something! How about that? Only in Indonesia I guess... for indo people: pipis berhadiah tuh, daripada di semak2!!
Friday, February 9, 2007
.: must ... eat ... good ... food ... :.
Oh dear, my roommate just showed me what I feared the most: an image of one full plate of Paikutfan!!!!! Okay SD peeps... here's my list of cravings... make sure the next time you guys visit these places, an image of a starving & drooling me come to your mind. Maybe scratch the drooling. Now you can laugh all you want! :p
1. Pearl's Paikutfan ... with extra suanchai
2. Shabu2 House
3. Chashu ramen with extra, extra bamboo shoot @ Hakata Ramen in Gardena
4. Okonomiyaki, somewhere in Gardena
5. chicken skin yakitori @ Yakitoriya in Sawtelle
6. Baby Squid Steak, Tofu Steak II ... Terried-Santa Monica Boulevard
7. All sushi & maki at Sushi Mac, with spicy mayo & tons of Ginger
8. Chimichanga... or any Mexican food, lunch truck food accepted
9. Spicy Chicken at New Japan, Santa Monica Boulevard
10. Gumbo pot & those Brazillian goodies & cheese thingy - Farmer's Market @ the Grove
11. Pad Kar Pao at Sanamluang
12. All the good stuff at Nakwon-Koreatown, pictured below...
Yunk, if you're reading this, please, please ... Garrett's mixed popcorn... please...
However, all of the above won't be complete without a glass of green milk tea from Tea Station.. or Strawberry Milk Tea from Tapioca Express...
And yes sir, I would like to eat that very tasty yummy ramen at you-know-where again. It is the best deh! :D

3676 Vinton gang + Henri @ Nakwon ... did we order too much?
1. Pearl's Paikutfan ... with extra suanchai
2. Shabu2 House
3. Chashu ramen with extra, extra bamboo shoot @ Hakata Ramen in Gardena
4. Okonomiyaki, somewhere in Gardena
5. chicken skin yakitori @ Yakitoriya in Sawtelle
6. Baby Squid Steak, Tofu Steak II ... Terried-Santa Monica Boulevard
7. All sushi & maki at Sushi Mac, with spicy mayo & tons of Ginger
8. Chimichanga... or any Mexican food, lunch truck food accepted
9. Spicy Chicken at New Japan, Santa Monica Boulevard
10. Gumbo pot & those Brazillian goodies & cheese thingy - Farmer's Market @ the Grove
11. Pad Kar Pao at Sanamluang
12. All the good stuff at Nakwon-Koreatown, pictured below...
Yunk, if you're reading this, please, please ... Garrett's mixed popcorn... please...
However, all of the above won't be complete without a glass of green milk tea from Tea Station.. or Strawberry Milk Tea from Tapioca Express...
And yes sir, I would like to eat that very tasty yummy ramen at you-know-where again. It is the best deh! :D

3676 Vinton gang + Henri @ Nakwon ... did we order too much?
.: Alone and Lonely? :.
As all of my friends already knew, I'm an only child, without any cousins living nearby. I am used to do everything all by myself. I thought after all these years I am so used to be all by myself and doing just fine, but apparently I've never been truly alone. I always have my parents, roommates and friends around, or at least a phone call away. So whenever I thought about the prospect of living truly alone in a city that's new for me, I feel suffocated. No drama there, I literally suffocated and got dizzy. Should I, shouldn't I? What if I got really, really sick and need someone to take me to the doctor? What if I fell down the stairs and cannot get up? Who will even know that I disappear from wherever I'm supposed to be? And if I disappear, who will look for me?! Whom can I call for a little chitchat at a nearby coffeeshop? Absolutely no one. I cannot stand the thought of being lonely! It is too depressing! Unless I can keep a dog at the dorm... hmm.. Still, a dog is a dog no matter how extremely wuffly it is. However, oh, how I love to be in one of the most beautiful city on earth ... Aah, life has never been simple for me :D Always have to be so dramatic, but, in the end, it's better than not having an interesting story to tell, right?
.: Mmm! :.

This is my favorite 'cold days' dish. This is a bowl of 'Bakso Tahu Kuah' or 'Fishball Tofu with Stock' ... ha ha ... *maksa banget*
It is a white chinese tofu, not the silk Japanese one, combined with some sort of fish paste, boil with fish stock , add vegetables like bokchoy or caisim. Best eaten with rice and fried dumpling. You can get the best of Bakso Tahu Kuah at Mie Naripan, Bandung. The complete dish will have several meatballs. I think somebody beat me to the meatballs... Hmm... *look suspiciously at Chester...* What a yummy week!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
.: Show and Tell Friday :.

What you see up there is my Starbucks Organizer, the one that I got by manipulating several of my friends. :D
I have this thing about organizer, I can't get enough of them! I'm no Monica Geller, but I just love organizers! And I absolutely love Starbucks. So the two combined, well, who can resist???? It has big space for me to write on everyday, cool dividers, and come with this adorable burlap bag, like a miniature coffee sack. When I saw this one I thought it was up for sale, but apparently we have to filled up some sort of frequent buyer stamp cards, like those you got at Bubble Tea places. We got one month to get the card filled with 21 stamps. 21!!! In 30 days!!! Do the math!! So ... I called up my friends, arrange them to meet at Starbucks, and forced them to stamp my card. :D I convinced my Dad to drink Starbucks instead of his usual favorite, Coffee Bean :p ... sorry Dad! I rotate the group of friends i called, and I even convinced my clients to meet me up there! Voila, I got the organizer! Thanks to Fang, Moreen, Angel, Thirza, and Daddy! You guys are the best!
.: Have a Cheeful Friday! :.
Hola, chicas! And, uhm, the non-chicas... It's Friday here in Indonesia, gloomy, gloomy day... Jakarta is still heavily flooded, Bandung is gloomy. I still got the cold. I even wore my scarf & wool socks around my house! And I have just taken my cough medicine, so I'm a bit drowsy ... But hey, didn't stop me from eating!
here goes ....

Another javanese dish here... so maybe it's Java Week at my home? This is a traditional Javanese dish called Gudeg, the original one came from the city of Yogyakarta. The ingredients ... I have no idea what to call these in English, seriously. Shredded chicken, coconut milk, starfruit, etc etc. It's good, trust me. If you ever get the chance to visit Yogyakarta, the best one is by a lady named Yu Djum (if I'm not mistaken). I'll take you there, if you pay my accomodation... LOL
here goes ....

Another javanese dish here... so maybe it's Java Week at my home? This is a traditional Javanese dish called Gudeg, the original one came from the city of Yogyakarta. The ingredients ... I have no idea what to call these in English, seriously. Shredded chicken, coconut milk, starfruit, etc etc. It's good, trust me. If you ever get the chance to visit Yogyakarta, the best one is by a lady named Yu Djum (if I'm not mistaken). I'll take you there, if you pay my accomodation... LOL
.: RD's day out - 8 Feb 2007 :.

So, I took RD for a social outing. We went to Blend Cafe at Jalan Lombok, Bandung with my friend Karla and her cousin, Joice (cici!). Cici welcome RD with a bright smile while Karla looking at him suspiciously...
Anyway, can you see RD enjoying the plate of calamari there?

This calamari, and a drink called 'Funny Business' are totally recommended here.
Alright then... RD say 'see you next week on another trip!'
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
.: Happy Thursday :.
It's already Thursday here in Indonesia, and I declare all Thursdays as " R.D Day's Out " . R.D is ... my Rubber Ducky, yes, it's the yellow duck that your children usually take to bath. So, let me introduce R.D!

Everybody said hi? Yes? Alrighty then ... Anybody wants to see what I found this morning? One amazing website full of talents from Down Under! Australian Designers are amazing! Look what I found at Moda Muse

L-R clockwise: Blossom Earrings & Pendants
Dragon's Breath of Fire...
Boudoir Earrings
Sabuttuni Pendant
Gin and Tonic Necklace
Credit: all images belong to Moda Muse
And for my friends there in SD, CA : here's for lunch!

This is one hot bowl of 'Soto Ayam', another special Indonesian dish that varied from city to city. This particular one, I guess, is the standard: shredded chicken meat, chicken stock, coconut milk, chopped onion, and fried tofu. Best eaten with rice and krupuk Palembang. :D Drooling, Mr S & Ms M? LOL

Everybody said hi? Yes? Alrighty then ... Anybody wants to see what I found this morning? One amazing website full of talents from Down Under! Australian Designers are amazing! Look what I found at Moda Muse

L-R clockwise: Blossom Earrings & Pendants
Dragon's Breath of Fire...
Boudoir Earrings
Sabuttuni Pendant
Gin and Tonic Necklace
Credit: all images belong to Moda Muse
And for my friends there in SD, CA : here's for lunch!

This is one hot bowl of 'Soto Ayam', another special Indonesian dish that varied from city to city. This particular one, I guess, is the standard: shredded chicken meat, chicken stock, coconut milk, chopped onion, and fried tofu. Best eaten with rice and krupuk Palembang. :D Drooling, Mr S & Ms M? LOL
.: Stranger in the Forest :.
:: Happy Wednesday! ::
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
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