Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

2nd row: Lunpia Semarang; Sate Kerbau-Kudus; Nasi Ayam - Semarang
3rd row: Lentok-Kudus, Nasi Gandul-Semarang, Gudeg Mrakmati - Ungaran
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
.: photo cocktail of Bandung :.

Friday, June 15, 2007
.: layers of luck :.
I need all the luck in the world next week as I'm about to do something that will open the door to a better future (hopefully). Luck and a very good skill of communication, both I'm not very good at... what to do, what to do? Speaking of luck, I found this good luck charm called Fukuro (owl/luck) in Daiso;
not only cute but also very useful:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
.: 3 days to eternity :.
Well, the official title is 3 days to Forever, but I prefer eternity, sounds so... extremely forever! LOL. What am I blabbering about? It's this new indonesian movie, 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya, directed by the talented Riri Riza. The story is very simple, about 2 cousins taking a road trip to a family wedding in Yogyakarta; but due to their endless 'smoking' and utter ignorance of places outside of Jakarta, they run into troubles and got into hilarious situations. I love it, can't wait for more good Indo movies... Yay! Keep 'em comin'!
Monday, June 11, 2007
.: baaa! :.

Sunday, June 10, 2007
.: Bandung oh BANDUNG!! :.

Also, my Bandung friends, where on earth is Derwati?? Massage parlour around Ciwastra??

Thursday, June 7, 2007
.: again, Katjapiring :.
Bandung is quite small and the people loooves to eat, so when there's a new restaurant in town, everyone must try. Almost all of my friends have not visited the new installment in Parijs Van Java mall; Katjapiring. So I went there again and still find it very nice. I love the tiles, feels antic & authentic. And I love the food! We ordered roti chanai & curry (gone in 15 minutes), nasi lemak, asam iga, grilled oxtail, and teh tarik. Yumsies!

.: farming! :.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
.: Kedai Teko

.: guess where? :.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
.: cravings ... :.
It's that time of the month again when I'm at my most greedy mode. I was craving for the crispy duck dish from Kafe Bali last week *yesh, it's the Kafe Bali that a particular friend of mine hated so very much*. It is so tasty & crispy, I actually nibbled on the bones... shamelessly. They served it with 'sambal acar bawang', 'sambal mangga muda', 'rempeyek kacang', and 'sambal khas Bali'.
Then today I suddenly wanted some beef satay. You can find the best beef satay in Lembang, right outside of the Carmel Monastery. The second best is in GOR Padjadjaran. Meat & gizzards not as chewy as the one in Lembang, but the peanut butter sauce taste just the same. *Oh my , just looking at the picture makes me crave for some more...*
Another cravings I have at the moment are for: bibimbap, galbi, spaghetti bolognaise, spicy salmon sushi, strawberry juice, and green milk tea with pearl... Well at least I know what's for lunch & dinner tomorrow then... :p
I found my old 'sewing basket' yesterday. *more like a basket of forgotten hopes, I suppose* I always wanted to learn how to sew but never got the will to actually learn how to do it properly aside from mending minor tears & tightening lose buttons. Inside it I found some fabric scraps I saved from my old company's trade shows. I'm browsing several blogs that can give me some ideas on what to do with these beautiful scraps.
I'm a regular visitor at Print & Pattern, one of the most inspiring blog. And I'm drawn into collecting the patterns around me. How cute is this pouch?!

I found my old 'sewing basket' yesterday. *more like a basket of forgotten hopes, I suppose* I always wanted to learn how to sew but never got the will to actually learn how to do it properly aside from mending minor tears & tightening lose buttons. Inside it I found some fabric scraps I saved from my old company's trade shows. I'm browsing several blogs that can give me some ideas on what to do with these beautiful scraps.

Sunday, June 3, 2007
.: other blogs :.
wow... so many cool blogs out there that inspires & enlightened me! I just found this link from here, what a fun movie promo!! I love it! I'm also fond of taking quizzes so I took the quiz called 'what color are you?' ... hmmm i doubt anyone who knew me agrees with the result...
You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
.: tempo doeloe :.
The trend started approximately 4 years ago when they opened 'vintage' restaurants serving dishes made from grandma's recipes. They used names like "mom's kitchen", "grandma X' house", etc. They went all out on the decor, recreating old colonial houses; peranakan style, javanese & balinese houses... In Jakarta they have 'Kedai Tiga Nyonya', 'Dapur Babah', 'Loro Djonggrang', and the famous 'Kembang Goela'. About a week ago a restaurant opened in Parijs Van Java mall in Bandung called 'Katjapiring', serving peranakan meals. I personally think the decor is quite nice; and the most important thing is the food was great. I had 'Soto Betawi'. The meat was soft & digestible, soup was yummy, altho they need to put a bit more potatoes in it. And they have four pages of peranakan food!

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