Monday, March 30, 2009

.: quizzes after quizzes.. :.

Has anyone noticed that everyone on facebook is taking quizzes? Some are ok, some are so silly such as 'how stupid are you' and 'how weird are you'. Obviously I'm interested... LOL. There's one that was actually called 'how strong is your fart?' *ROFL*

My friend tagged me so I took this quiz, and it's amazingly accurate. *charmed, as always* What do you think about me being clever and adventurous? *haha* Agree? Disagree?

Take the quiz and link me to your answer! :)

What others see from your style

You probably live in your own little world and studiously avoid having to search for your own identity. You may feel that you are not loved, and being in your imaginary world is your way of coping with this. You get moody easily.

What your nightclothes reveal

You're in need of love. You want to be taken care of and panic easily. You have a strong wish for security in your life.

What others see from your ties

You enjoy being alone. You like to life the simple but good life, and you cherish your freedom. You are thoughtful, confident and uninterested in glamour.

What others see from your belts

You are a kind of person who likes to hide your feelings. You may have a hot temper but tend to cover it with an outwardly calm and gentle demeanor. You are sensitive when it comes to love.

What others see from your shoes

You are kind and open-minded. You may not be talkative, but you are friendly and enjoy the company of intelligent people. You always keep the secrets of others, and never play tricks on people.

What others see from your earrings

You are probably a free spirit at heart with artistic talent. You are absolutely unique and are always coming up with lots of great ideas. Being happy is your most important goal.

The last analysis

You are probably a clever and adventurous person. You love to learn new things, and enjoy socializing with friends. Although you enjoy your freedom, you cherish peacefulness and like to spend time alone with your thoughts.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

.: cooking club :.

My friends love good food and they reaaaaalllly know how to cook, so one day out of the blue they decided to have a weekly cooking club. Each week we'll have different cuisine & try out recipes. If you think this sounds like a granny club, think again. Look at what they've made from scratch:

Fancy, eh? They decided that if anyone wants to join the cooking club, the new member must challenge the original cast with a cook-off competition a la Iron Chef. My cooking expertise is very limited to chopping onions and put them in a bowl of instant noodle... top it off with beef balls & mushroom, and voila : cuisine a la maria.... So I was thinking, maybe I can be good on something: Indonesian cuisine. I sucked but I can practice! :D Here's my version of Indonesian Stuffed Tofu (nama kurang kerennya Tahu Isi...) I left my camera at my friend's place so this photo doesn't do any justice to how tasty the stuffed tofu is! Want some? First one to comment will get the tofu!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

.: call it quit? :.

Just when I thought I had enough, this showed up in my daily horoscope at the SF Chronicle:

TAURUS April 19-May 19
You want to call it quits. It’s understandable given the New Moon/Pluto square but hang tough. Efforts will soon be rewarded.

I hear you! *Now back to homework you lazy bum*

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

.: shoes fetish #2 :.

Ferragamo Varina... in every color imaginable! My professor has them in orange, black/white and black. I stared at them for 16 weeks, after sometimes even the orange looks good :) I absolutely love love love the pink suede one and the orange patent one. Love them! If only they cost $50 instead of $500........

.: shoes fetish :.

Girls can never have too many shoes... We're willing to go all out on a shoe hunt, like, oh I don't know... stalk a girl carrying additional 50% off already half-priced Blahniks at our sizes? These are pics from our hunt. Can you guess which ones are mine and which ones aren't? :D

Sunday, March 22, 2009

.: Lucky ! :.

Am I a devil or a witch? :D

Have you ever thing that deep inside you, there are some hidden potentials? I am currently reading a book about an aspiring witch called Brida by Paulo Coelho, and was hoping that I have a potential to be a good witch :D Like when my phone ring, I can tell who's calling without looking at the screen and it's about 90% accurate. {insert cynical laughs here} When I was younger I can feel bad things coming before it happened but as I grew older I also becomes more ignorant so the 'skill' disappeared until last year when my roomie's dad passed away (creepy eh?) My very chinese friend said that I don't qualified to be burned at stake; it's just a case of imbalance yinyang. :D

Why all these blahblahs about witch & the likes? Because apparently when I'm upset I send my moody vibes to my closest friends. Sometimes not all of them got it but the waves hit them no matter where they are :D I was pretty down two days ago and all of a sudden my friends called me and asked what's going on. Now I feel sooo much better, thanks to you guys! Now is it witchcraft or just close bonds? One thing for sure, I feel so blessed to have such good friends like all of you who still read this. *hugs*

.: can't sleep :.

I made a mistake of drinking tea earlier this evening and now I'm wide awake... :p I thought caffeine has no more effect on me but I guess I was wrong (I am wrong for so many things this week!) I felt better after my gloomy last post because I watched so many nostalgic sappy Indo songs. Weird, eh? They actually made me feel warm & fuzzy LOL. Now I got to post this: my favorite video ever. It was pretty advanced for their time and quite thoughtful. No one will argue that they look good! Amara was so stunning in that cheongsam. Seems like they're going to make another album, can't wait! Love them!

Friday, March 20, 2009

.: blank :.

* glorious sadness by annejulie*

I always thought I'm pretty independent and quite a loner but I guess I was wrong. I desperately need my life support and none of them are available just when I really, really need them. Things are not going so well in life & school and I can only fight so much. If only I can have one day to nurse my mental health back to normal but I need to spend most of my remaining spring break to do my homework. I tried to reach out but no one's around at the moment. My parents are travelling, my best buddy moved out of town, my best gal pal is honeymooning... (everyone else are tired with my endless tears & whines, I think...) I guess it's just me now... and endless cups of coffee... :(

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

.: One day... :.

Dog - Welsh Corgi Puppy IMG_0397, originally uploaded by ^hSirius.

My baby Chester is basically my mom's now and I cannot separate them, and these cuties are legally not mine (although I admit I constantly tried to buy their love & attention...)

I really wish I can have a sweet, cuddly & adorable dog of my own and this time I want another shih tzu or a welsh corgi. Shih Tzus have excellent personality and not yappy (at least mine isn't) but Welsh Corgi is just super adorable! I love the stubby legs, expressive eyes and unusual long ears. Too bad my apartment won't allow pets... (hate this place even more!)

Monday, March 16, 2009

.: sweet revere! :.

I found this 8mm camera while treasure hunting for my school project (aka 'the festival') It looks so grand and must have cost a lot of money in the old days. (I can totally envisioned someone pick up an of iPod in a thrift store 50 years from now and charmed...) I don't think it's still working but I just love vintage items and finally brave enough to buy something. Not very sure how it worked but you can read it here.

.: amazing movie, beautiful soundtrack :.

I should've chosen him to be my 'festival director'!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

.: curse of online shopping sites :.

Marc Jacobs is probably the only designer who creates something I can actually wear without looking like a freak. I want everything he creates! I love the little twist on regular hoodies, peekaboo lace underneath the dress, simple-elegant watches, fancy details on the leather bag... Oh dear... I really really really want the hoodies but I cannot make up my mind which one... :(

Thursday, March 5, 2009

.: my new room :.

Ah, yes. The house of misery. I have nothing else to say about this place now that I haven't said before. Oh, wait. The mirror's no longer there because the hanger bailed out on me today. Mirror's okay tho so I won't have twelve years of bad luck ahead of me. The place looks okay after I unloaded my 'art' collections. I still have space issues and some shirts are still missing but other than that, it's bearable. Visit me, people!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

.: life in music :.

This is the song that represent how I feel these past few days...

and this is my life support: