salmon sashimi from Momiji - i can never have enough of these! :p

Adorable Noren curtain at Momiji!

Look how full my suitcase is!
*sigh* I hate having to leave all my stuff here, especially my stinky pillows and bolster... I'm looking forward to go, but whenever I started to pack, I feel a bit mellow and beginning to be a bit unreasonable. There are moments I felt that yes, I really do need to bring that extra sweater coz it's going to feel left out if I leave it inside my closet... I've tried to build a nest here, and now I have to fly away again to build a new nest. I'm entitled to be slightly mellow, right? However I think it is too comfy here and I'm beginning to get lazy + spoiled. I really need to be on my own again, to actually do something that means a lot to me instead of doing what others told me to do. I can't wait!
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