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.: luv blue :.
I'm trying to make my temporary-room tolerable, so I put on my new quiltcover and pillowcases, tidy up a bit... and open my new nigh-light! I think I will decorate my room in blue! So calming and pretty... despite with all the chaotic mess around it... I can pretend it's an Oasis, the place I ran to whenever I'm exhausted with my projects... :)

Euleuh Mar! itu teh lampu yg gua pengen!!! sayang si pancu nggak approved...:( ada macem2 kan? lucu pisan emang, pengen g pencet2! Hehehe! kapan lu gusuran lagi? daerahnya sama gak? jangan2 lu pindah ke chinatown lagi...OMG! jangan lupa update alamat ya!
daerahnya sama, gw cuma move like a dozen block away... tapi moving towards the beach!
aduuh pancu mah loe sogok babi aja,lucu pisan iya bisa ditakol2... beli ji beliiii
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