Saturday, April 19, 2008

.: on the brink of insanity :.

I feel so trapped these past few days, haven't seen most of my friends, haven't got the chance to go out except for school, and cannot stand to look at my typography homeworks anymore. I feel guilty when I sleep, the homeworks haunted me, and in the end I cannot sleep until like 5-6AM... I know my friends were right, that the only solution to this is to work harder and try your best. My professor suggested to spend at least 10hrs on your free day to do the homeworks, so I tried. After sitting in front of my computer for 12hrs straight yesterday I feel so fed up, tired and a bit lonely (but productive...). Just thinking how sad it is if I disappear and no one will notice, since I'm usually holed up in my room anyway. The only consolation for this is in the end, I will be a better graphic designer. Right now I just feel like a prisoner of Franklin Gothic and its family. Depression aside, look what I found during the break! Can I be a good jewelry curator? :)

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