Friday, June 26, 2009

.: even more shoes :.

Some people said that shoes are chocolate for the feed. I, apparently, would like to slather as much chocolate as possible on my feet because I'm so very obsessed with shoes. Why? Because my feet is stable; it will not go up a size or two so whenever I tried on a 5.5 it will fit. And shoes that I got 6 years ago will still fit me today, unlike my jeans. Plus I love my toes. (the last one is just my failed effort to justify all the shoes purchases) Everyone who stop by my shoes rack will say the same thing: they all look the same. Open-toed with bow on it in white, burgundy, black, black+white... And I'm obsessed with Ferragamo's Varina because they have sweet little bow on them. I used to stay away from flats because I feel so short and stubby but I CANNOT walk around in SF with high heels, unlike some people I know (she-who-lives-right-next-to-my-room, hats off to you missy).
Therefore I tried to branch out and have more variety in my shoes collections. (this one is hopefully a more successful attempt to justify my last purchase) Something like these are my latest nightmares (and yours too, Mr S, just wait and see! muhuahaha):

1 comment:

TheCurvyModel said...

Hey Life of MOd!
Thank you so much for posting our shoes on your blog! We really appreciate it!

<3 Mandy