I'm back in town from a very weird and short vacation. Like I mentioned before, it's weird because I didn't go 'home', although our rented home looks exactly like my old house. Most of the furniture are not ours, I cannot find most of my old stuff (
my shoes!!!) My parents already buy some plants for our new home (
because it is a lot cheaper to buy them when they're small) so the garden at our rented house is overcrowded and full of mismatched trees and shrubs :D
The recent trend in plants industry is mini cactus + fancy succulents. If you think it's boring you have to see these for yourself. Even I think they're adorable. :)

Not impressed yet? How about I told you the story how I got punctured by one of these plants and was bleeding dramatically? :D I was walking and taking pictures, and then I walk passed some giant leafy plants. Little did I know that the giant, leafy plants have thorns along the edges. I bumped into one of them, and I felt a prickle on my left thigh. Then I felt a bit dizzy and when I saw my thigh, there were lots of blood rapidly flowed from the wound, which was bubbly like lava. I looked super stupid standing amidst cactus plants and holding my bleeding thigh, unable to make major movements because it'd bled even more, until my mom came to the rescue with a big bundle of kleenex and big band-aid. The crazy thing is, when i went to the restroom to clean the wound, there was just a teeny tiny, needle-sized hole right in the middle of my thigh. You'd think with the amount of blood I lost, it'll be one, big, gaping wound. Nope. Maybe dramatic people have dramatic blood too... ha!
haihh.. geuleuh pisan.
no beb, ga dapet gratisan kalo komennya begitu huahahaha... :p
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