Friday, December 17, 2010

.: Dec 17, 2010 :.

wow.. it's almost the end of the year again. And this year, I'll be spending Christmas at home. Well, technically I'll be spending some of it in Changi terminal 3 and on the flight home... This time it's special because I'll be flying home with beb for the first time :)  For the past 10 years, I've been flying solo on all my US-Indo trips so it'll be nice to have someone to snuggle with :)

merry xmas me!

today... Dec 17th, 2010
outside my window... It's pouring and I love it
i am thankful for... not failing my class
I am wearing... my polkadot pajama bottom & pink long sleeve pajama top. not matching at all
noticing that... my room is a total mess after final
i am re-reading... Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows. I miss Harry Potter's series
i can hear... Ina Garten's voice on tv
on my mind... is a strong signal to shop that I tried to ignore
from the kitchen...warm milk tea
around the house... looks like Amazon cardboard jungle. Piles of Amazon boxes from tiny ones to extra large ones. And I'm tired of cleaning those.

.: utter failure :.

So I had my last studio class today. What a disappointment. I thought I did not do so bad; and my professor seem to lead me to believe I did okay. She approved everything, including the paper choices. But today I was just shut down; the book cover is not appealing. Poster not good. Layout was okay but my paper choice was my downfall (her exact words). Totally fall flat on my face. And there goes my chance to actually accomplish something in this painful 4 years of graduate school. So bummed. Good thing I have a blog; I'll just showcase it here and pretend that I actually accomplish something—for my own mental health.

Monday, December 6, 2010

.: been awhile... :.

Hello there... I didn't have much stories lately. I spent my waking hours doing projects and playing way too much Facebook games :p. I do miss having my daily photo+journaling.

today... Dec 6th, 2010
outside my window... I can see raindrops
i am thankful for... everything that has ever happened in my life
I am wearing... my favorite birdcage pajama bottom, t-shirt and super warm FCUK hoodie
noticing that... I slept more this year
i am reading... the Devil in the White City
i can hear... the rain. so very soothing
on my mind... is total chaos
from the kitchen... tons of good food leftovers, courtesy of my roomie's mom + dinner dates with beb :)
around the house... is full of boxes

Thursday, November 18, 2010

.: Love is never gone :.

Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you.
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love.

Look my eyes are dry.
The gift was ours to borrow.
It's as if we always knew,
And I won't forget what I did for love,
What I did for love.

Gone, love is never gone.
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow.
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for Love

What I did for Love

What I did for...Love
Love is never gone
As we travel one
Love's what we'll remember
Kiss today goodbye.

And point me t'ward tomorrow.

Point me t'ward tomorrow
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for love.
What I did for love.

What I did for love

.: gwyneth luv :.

Basically my life is Glee replay on youtube now. Bored yet? No way, you can't get bored with Glee, it's AWESOME! Especially when they have Gwyneth. Top 40, sweet cheeks!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

.: I hate SF part 2 :.

Honestly everytime I said:"You know what, I kinda like it here", something happened. I was seriously considering staying here and trying to convince beb to moved up north because it is so hard to give up this gorgeous weather (I hate sun+hot weather, fyi) Just last night I told my friends that I certainly don't mind living here; I have a group of friends that I really, really like thanks to my beb+roomies. Then earlier today I walked into my car and found this:
It does not look so bad because I immediately cleaned the broken pieces of glass. But seriously, SF. You don't want me here, I get it. Stop hurting my car!! I went from extremely upset to accepting this as part of life in about 10 minutes. Can't say anything, really. I'm just asking for it. I parked a fairly nice car on a ghetto street leading up to the project. I can't afford living on an apartment with a garage in SF and yet I still want to live here. And the messed up part of this whole thing is, I was calculating the time I have to take care of this and still finishing my homework.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Okay, I'm officially a Gleek now. I watch the clips everyday. And may I say that the last episode was my favorite, because of this guy. How cute is he?? He made me feel like a teenage again, with my F4 mania .. oh wait I wasn't a teenager then. Anyway, I'm really hoping Blaine and Kurt will be dating :D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

.: Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are :.

love the graphics... and of course the song! *swoon*

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

.: truly gifted :.

 I've been following Ez' amazing blog for about 2 years, and amazed with her excellent taste in everything. Now she has compile a holiday gift list in a beautifully arranged e-zine. I'm still in awe in her photographs and elegant DIY projects. Click here for the Gifted magazine.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

.: chill... :.

Ok, my last post was harsh, I know. I don't know what triggered that post; probably just a major fear of me turning into one dumb woman if I don't spend time catching up with what's going on in this world.

Saw this video on my friend's FB after another friend mentioned the song last weekend. Love the poker-faced couple :p

Monday, October 25, 2010

.: HATER! :.

I hate people. I found out about that early enough in my life. I just can't stand a lot of people. If there's a choice to hang out with dogs or human, I'll choose dogs in a heartbeat. My being born as an only child may have something to do with it. An only child with no one around but stuffed animals and books and toys. I've been very lucky to have some amazing friends with good hearts, good sense of humor and have great points of view in life. And then, there are some 'interesting' acquaintances with their quirks that irritate me to the t:

1. Shallow airheads who knows nothing. This world is so interesting and dynamic. How come you're not interested in anything?!
2. Smarty-pants-know-it-all. Come on, you don't know everything. And if you do, why do you think I care? Just save your breath.
3. Bossy spoiled brats. Yo, clean up after your own mess. Or if you can afford it, pay someone to pick them up for you. sheesh. Oh and by the way, street food is good!
4. Jerks. (who are shallow airheads in disguised, really). You have no good qualities in you so you make fun of others. classic.
5. shallow-airheads-spoiled-brats. omg. seriously. they're like, the worst. *giggle* (and yes i was being sarcastic)

I feel that hanging out with these people is really wasting my energy, but sometimes you can't avoid them. Now I can easily ignore these people but I don't want to be one grumpy lady. Solution: suck it up. It's so hard not to be cranky around them but for the sake of being a social human being I should just deal with them. Smile. And drink as much sugary beverage as possible to calm my nerves. Because I can really explode and yell at them for being dumb. But I shouldn't. Right? Right. And be grateful that I still have amazing friends.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

.: he speaks to my heart :.

who? James Morrison, that is ;) . Anyone sane enough to be my shelter when the rain falls?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

.: crashed, burned, goodbye :.

That's how I feel about my schooling right now. Tried so hard every semester to come up with amazing design with flawless typography and strong concept. I fall flat on my face every single semester. Came close to failing a class once only to be saved by one good-natured professor that I constantly disappoint every semester. Maybe it is time to admit that it was a good ride, lesson learned, and end this misery? Because frankly, I'm miserable. My brain is fried. My creative juice has been squeezed to the last drop, and now all that's left are the dry, withering skins. I don't like doubting myself and my confidence has disappeared since my 2nd semester. Who am I kidding? I've never been one of those design prodigy. What am I trying to prove? Those who said I should feel so lucky for being able to continue my education, just shut the hell up. How do you know how I feel on those weekends I spent locked up in my room doing projects? At this point I just do not care anymore. Just trying to stay afloat so I won't get deported for falling out of status way too many times.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

.: ADD part 2 :.

Researching ADD and I stumbled upon these goodies. Not cool, modcloth and anthropologie. Not cool at all. Why do you have such awesome goodies? I want them all!!! *bawl*

Monday, October 4, 2010

.: ADD? :.

While researching for ADD/ADHD for my school project, I came across this article. Funny, it sort of describes me to a T. Am I in denial to say that ADD is slightly overrated? It's such a perfect excuse for lazy people like me. Oh, I'm simply unorganized, easily overwhelmed and an impulsive shopper because I have ADD. I don't like to socialize because I have ADD. I'm irresponsible and easily distracted because ... guess what, I have ADD! Seriously though, do I have ADD?

Friday, October 1, 2010

.: Gleek :.

Okay, okay ... I admit I'm a total dork. I heart Glee. Not the storyline, but the songs! And yes, the auto-tune... but these guys can really sing and dance (watch the audition tapes)! I think the Asian dude (harry shum jr) from Step Up movies is impressive! I hope he'll get more parts in the future.

I keep listening to these two while staying up late doing my homework... :D

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

.: singapore FOUND :.

Look what I found at Singapore's Changi airport Times bookstore: A very cool Alice in Wonderland book. They have To Kill a Mockingbird and a few others but the typography inside this book was the reason why I bought it.

For Mrs M : you can sneak a shopping spree in the airport while your husband is not looking! Just give him enough distractions hehehe... I bought these at the accessories shop in terminal 3:

.: sleepyhead :.

I think I'm getting lazier everyday. Now I can't function well without at least 7hrs of sleep. I used to stay up all night doing homework and still felt very much alive in the morning. Now every night I sleep like a log. I'd like to blame it on SF weather as always *because I can't really blame it on jetlag after almost a month, really* Anyhoo... I'd like to give a major shoutout to Steven+Margie for helping us with pictures yesterday; it was an amazing day, great job you guys!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

.: Cepichic by Lucia Antonietti :.

Originally uploaded by luciantonietti
My professor share this pretty cool video. I love the mix of 2D and 3D, as much as I love all stop motion ads. *note: the dog, THE DOG!*

Sunday, August 29, 2010

.: rant rant rant rant rant :.

Ok, I was totally wrong when I thought Indo is not that bad. Indo IS bad for me. I am so glad to be given the chance to live abroad because if I continue on living in Indo, I die already. I cannot stand the people. I cannot stand the weather. The traffic. How shallow people around me are. I am me no matter how fat I get, deal with it. My fat content does not change my point of view on life, and you don't have a say in what I wear nor what I do just like I don't have a say in what you wear and what you do. And boy living here is so dull now that everyone has their own babies. I don't belong here. I've taken San Francisco for granted. Can't wait to be home.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

.: bits of indo trip :.

99 Ranch is a place to hangout in Jakarta,
selling healthy food options. (!!!)
MmMmMm yummm.... Jelly Donuts
Right, 46 y.o are looking for 21 years old...
Mr S : this can be yours. Just YM me.
If anyone is interested : $6 - $4 - $4 - $6

Friday, August 13, 2010

.: roll! :.

Finally, Chester learn how to rollover!

Monday, August 2, 2010

.: away we go :.

See you guys on september! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

.: i hate SF :.

My poor, poor pearlie that is not so pearly anymore. It has been very much abused by me and this city's inhabitants. First someone dented the side with a shopping cart at Office Depot, the crazy van owner who lived in my building bumped his rusty van onto the rear bumper, countless number of scratches from some failed parallel parking attempts and someone scratch along the side with a green crayon. And now, the masterpiece :
I think some drunk people in North Beach did it because I found a big bottle of beer and beer cans underneath the side view mirror that weren't there before. Why would somebody did that, nobody knows. SanFran's (yes, don't give me attitude when I call your city freakin FRISCO, you sanFran monsters!) residents have been known for their rudeness and ignorance (I planned to advocate against this issue once but my advisors said it's a lost cause) so unfortunately I was not surprised. Very, very upset because it is hard to drive without the right side view mirror. I curse whoever did this to pearlie, may you roast in hell.

.: LA MART trip :.

Thanks to miss DT I got the chance to see preview of California Gift Show in LA. Oh how I wish I have a store full of adorable goodies... that people want to buy, of course. LA Mart was full of amazing stuff, and I saw cute things from companies that I've never heard before. The energy in this show gave me some comfort that print, publishing and stationery companies are not dying yet. Here are some pictures that I took with my cellphone (unfortunately...)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

.: one shopaholic hermit :.

I've been too busy juggling scrapbooking, playing facebook games and researching thesis (2% of my time) that I haven't got the time to haunt blogs and etsy. Some cute findings on my web haunts:

Sweet sachet dress from modcloth ...
if only i can afford it :(

Sunday, July 4, 2010

.: summer minded :.

perhaps because of my growing up alone, there's always that moment that I felt lonely amidst all the people and dogs in my household. I have a sense that while they've treated me very kindly, I'm still not a part of their family. I'm still a stranger. I felt like I don't belong to anyone the way they belong to one another in this house. I think it is time to go home. I wish I can throw all this schooling away and run home for the rest of this summer, although I no longer have a childhood home to go back to. Not so sure how I feel about this, but my parents are definitely delighted to live in a brand new house where the ceiling won't fall in the middle of the night.

America's Cutest Dog: Play Dead

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

.: lazy, lazy bum :.

I think I've lost you all, since I never posted anything lately :p  I'm too lazy to transfer pictures from my camera because my computer HD is getting full, and I'm too lazy to transfer files to my external HD. Basically, it's a lazy summer. Plus it's been wedding madness this month. I went to Milwaukee for hunny's cousin's wedding. Then I went to my friend's friends' wedding... because she needed a girly date. And my roommates' wedding is coming soon! I can't believe how fast time flies. While both of them went crazy with entertaining family who flew all the way from Indo, me and my roomie's sister are taking care of the household: cleaning, washing dishes, folding laundry, organized boxes to take to the venues... All the while roomie's Grandma is cooking for us :D (yess!) So let me entertain you with some pictures from Milwaukee while I'm making the beeline to the kitchen.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

.: new addictions :.

I'm crazy for fabric flowers... they'll instantly dressed up a regular outfit. I've been crazy about them ever since I saw them in J.Crew (another recent addiction) I was walking by this shop last weekend and was blown away. Almost every knit products were handmade by the owner. The shop is super charming. I had a hard time deciding which color I'm going for because everything looks so pretty. If only I'm good in knitting! On another note, I decided to learn on making fabric flowers because this addiction is getting expensive... so I made two. Can you guess which two? :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

.: i want, i want! :.

Polaroid made an instax camera! How cuuute!!! I must have, must must have this! :p

Thursday, June 3, 2010

.: reconnect :.

cupcakes from cako, sf

For the whole week last week I set up a working station in our dining table, because I couldn't connect to the network from my room. My engineer bf (hi beb!) analyzed everything and came to the conclusion that I need an external wi-fi card. Instead I bought a pair of typical of me. Toothache? New dress. School sucks? New purse. Busted wi-fi card? Buy shoes! I've finally gain connection in my room and managed to reconnect with the card reader for my camera. So there will be pictures again in this blog. Hurrah!

today... june 3rd, 2010
outside my window... is nice and sunny
i am thankful for... my tooth recovery. I did pray :)
I am wearing... t-shirt I got for free in school and pink+white striped pajama bottom
noticing that... time slipped away faster when I'm having fun
i am re-reading... A Life of One's Own - guide to better living through the wisdom of Virginia Woolf
i can hear... my tummy... it's asking for lunch :D
on my mind... it is time to return to thesis research
from the kitchen... there will be a pre-marinated pork belly to be made into kimchi fried rice, I hope...
around the house... is full of my roommates' wedding paraphernalias
my favorite thing... cupcakes... especially lemon-flavored ones

Saturday, May 29, 2010

.: miserable :.

whoever said that heartache is worse than toothache (that's you, meggy z, RIP) probably haven't experienced my kind of pain. there are no doctors for heartache, yes, but hanging out with friends help a bit. crying help a lot. I almost wanted to kick my roommate for saying she has never had any teeth problem in her life ever and don't understand how people can have bad teeth, so scratch hanging out with friends... and crying only makes it worse. I think it's about time to just go to the dentist and get rid of my molar forever. I won't miss it for sure. I may miss the money I'm going to hand to the dentist, though... The bright side of this is that I'm not eating as much anymore, yay! I can't even imagine eating rice (which is not unusual... I don't like rice that much) or anything solid... My nicer roommates bought me KFC and immediately my tooth hurts, so no KFC and korean bbq for me.

Friday, May 21, 2010

.: blooming peonies :.

 day 1 of peonies
 day 2
day 3

today... may 21st, 2010
outside my window... is cloudy
i am thankful for... finishing my semester without any major drama
I was wearing... a black wool sweater, knit wrap and flannel pajama bottom with cloud & star patterns
noticing that... my room is in dire need of reorganization
i am reading... other people's blogs
i can hear... my teeth...they're making some weird, squeaky sound
on my mind... it's so good not having to worry about school projects for at least a week
from the kitchen... the smell of garlic I put into my stir-fried green beans
around the house... is oddly quiet
my favorite thing... peonies from trader joe's. they are short-lived but absolutely beautiful and elegant

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

.: The Smart List: 12 Shocking Ideas That Could Change the World :.

The Smart List: 12 Shocking Ideas That Could Change the World
I feel that I have been sleeping too much and missing a lot of what's going on outside of my room, so I'm determine to catch up with my reading. Not only this article has interesting infographics, the ideas were daring. Reminds me of what Roland kept on saying: be an advance thinker.

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.: cold, cold days :.

It's been pouring since yesterday, and it looks like it's going to rain again today. My brain is practically fried, and my creative wires are not connecting. During the summer I need to reorganize how my mind works, because right now it's just keep on shutting down. Memory overload... need more external hard drive a.k.a new sketchbooks. What's with the computer lingo? I don't know why, really :D

Friday, May 7, 2010

.: yay me! :.

It's my birthday today, yay! :)  Thanks to technology such as Blackberry Messenger and facebook, I got more birthday wishes than I could asked for. My friends in Indo has been sending me tons of messages since yesterday. I want to share some birthday morning photos:
a gift for myself, anthropologie + lookalike

colorful tulip from beb

flower from my roomie

 birthday doodles courtesy of busy bee :)

I already know what's inside! *glee*
wheee! thank you :) 

My roommates basically spoiled me. They also bought me capuccino cake that I can't wait to sink my teeth into. And they let me eat bad, fatty food today.