Monday, July 26, 2010

.: i hate SF :.

My poor, poor pearlie that is not so pearly anymore. It has been very much abused by me and this city's inhabitants. First someone dented the side with a shopping cart at Office Depot, the crazy van owner who lived in my building bumped his rusty van onto the rear bumper, countless number of scratches from some failed parallel parking attempts and someone scratch along the side with a green crayon. And now, the masterpiece :
I think some drunk people in North Beach did it because I found a big bottle of beer and beer cans underneath the side view mirror that weren't there before. Why would somebody did that, nobody knows. SanFran's (yes, don't give me attitude when I call your city freakin FRISCO, you sanFran monsters!) residents have been known for their rudeness and ignorance (I planned to advocate against this issue once but my advisors said it's a lost cause) so unfortunately I was not surprised. Very, very upset because it is hard to drive without the right side view mirror. I curse whoever did this to pearlie, may you roast in hell.

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