Monday, February 15, 2010

.: happy holidays :.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I went to Trader Joe's yesterday to pick up two buck chuck for chinese new year dinner at my friend's, but I got these lovely mini tulips instead (and champagne. I'm fancy like that). Since my room is a little bland and still super messy, I want something to brighten it up and make it a bit lovelier. Plus, it's valentine's day, so I get myself a little gift. I know it sounds so childish and silly but I still like Valentine's day, too bad it came and went just like a regular Sunday & have to collide with chinese new year. I'm glad there are still couples who celebrate it, like a friend of mine whose husband recorded a video of him singing a love song because she was sent to work abroad. Sweet & heartwarming, isn't it? Somehow european-educated indo are more romantic. It's the cloudy sky and the beautiful scenery, perhaps.

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