Tuesday, May 22, 2007

.: Mum's Yums :.

Sometimes I wonder how did mothers get their skills such as cooking, sewing, knitting, and all other mummy stuff... My mom said "it all comes naturally..." She always cook right & fast! In less than 30 minutes she makes 3 different meals! Impressive! She's a kitchen-magician! Will I ever be like her? Doubt it (gotta spend more time in the kitchen... chopping & dicing...) My fave is her homemade beef-steak and nasi goreng kencur. Here is a pic of what she cooked for lunchie yesterday ...L-R: cubed potatoes stir-fried with ground pork; 'rempeyek udang' & 'perkedel kentang'; 'getuk' from local marketplace.


LaBu said...

oh no!!! always food , food and food!! hahahahahaha bagus2!! gua jadi terobsesi untuk mencoba semua makanan yang ada di foto lu..=p

maria said...

haha request atuh vin pgn apa? kk loe pgn foto2 bandung tuh :p

LaBu said...

pengen apa yaa...pengen gudeg, pengen martabak, sate terenak..nasi goreng..hehehehe foto2 pvj eh!!hehehehehe =p apa aja juga boleh deng..=p

Steven said...

Ga suka pisan sama post ini!!!! Hahaha, g sakit ati aja liat gambar2nya! apalgi perkedel kentangnya...menantang sekaliiii!!! Weeeeeee.....:P!