Friday, September 21, 2007

.: have you seen this scarf? :.

MISSING : brown & pink H&M scarf
LAST SEEN : Emery-Go-Round shuttle

I really, really love this scarf,
so if anyone find another piece similar like this,
please let me know... :(


Steven said...

Mar, scarf-nya yg polkadot kan? maklum, g baru bangun, jadi masih lieur. yg strip2 itu apaan? lucu juga? ntar kalo g ketemu yg mirip2, g kasih tau deh, kesian amet sih lu. udah coba cari lagi ke toko H&M belon? good luck ya!

maria said...

bukan jii yg strip2 yg ilang huuuu :(
yg polkadot mah tas gw ...
hiks H&M taun lalu sih, I doubt they will have it again this year... :((