Sorry for disappearing without notice. I'm quite alive and well, actually. My parents are visiting, and we're still in the catching up mode so I'm still very busy between driving them here and there, playing games in facebook without guilt and scrapping.
I'll share some pictures later, but now I want to give you a little printable before it's too late. Hopefully you'll find good use of these tags. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
.: happy monday ! :.

I'm feeling very festive today and have been listening to Christmas songs. I think it's the weather, all cold and rainy, and Starbucks' red cups with lovely typography on the back. Totally don't want to deal with finals. Just want to sip my warm coffee, hug my shtinky pillow and stare out the windows... Mmm
Saturday, December 5, 2009
.: SF Found :.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
.: homesick :.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
.: Singing along in the morning :.
The beat kept me going, although it seems like I won't finish my homework in time.
puccho (japanese candy) cupcakes!!!
Aaargh cute! May never eat them and just stare at them until I'm hungry. Then I may eat them. Ha!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
.: happy monday no more :.
That's it, I won't do happy thoughts monday again. I'll do cranky monday instead. I have no more patient for this irresponsible, selfish, silly creature. I have a long list of her sins that I may not forgive. From her extreme loud music & tv to her lack of hygiene to her insensitivity to her surrounding. I've never been this mean to a person until I met her. I was a tad guilty for speaking my mind to her last week but not anymore. How dare a person borrow somebody else's stuff without permission and broke it? And put it back like nothing happened??? I wouldn't be so pissed if she asked for permission and apologize when she realized she broke it. My roommate may chimed in since it happened to her last week, as well. This girl need a very good shock therapy. She needs to snap out of her pity-me-my-life-is-so-sad mode asap. Hey, life only sucks if you let it happened! Do something about it instead of trying to drag everyone down the rabbit hole.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
.: see? always food :.
Monday, November 23, 2009
.: how true ? :.
I started to reduce my contacts with several people. I don't hate these people, but I know how much they like to talk and most of the untimely conversations happened while I was rushing to finish my homeworks. Despite the fact that I told them I'm busy, they chose to ignore it and continue talking or asking for favors. I found it difficult to gather my thoughts and translate it into correct and proper English, and most of the time I need quiet time to think and write. It is challenging to go back to that mode after a long conversation. I am torn between being a good friend by responding to these conversations that may takes 2-3 hours or be a complete jerk by ignoring them but finish my homework in a timely manner. I chose to ignore the phone call earlier today because I was rushing to finish my homework, and when I opened my daily zodiac I found this:
How weird is that? It's not that she's a higher-up but the rest of the story was accurate. Let's hope these people will understand that I don't mean to be rude at all. :p

Sunday, November 22, 2009
.: the only thing constant is ... :.
food sundays. this is the only one I can post regularly every sunday, apparently. Very yummy kimchi fried rice from a small korean restaurant in Berkeley. It's right next to Sweetheart so you can grab a yummy strawberry milk tea with boba. Ah, bliss.
Friday, November 20, 2009
.: sf Found :.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
.: sad day :.
Monday, November 16, 2009
.: youtube ...uhm.. sunday :.
Ever since they sold energy 92.7 I rarely turned on the radio, and I'm glad I did it today because I heard this one by a British band named fanfarlo. I don't really know what genre they belong to, folk? alternative? (what is considered alternative, anyways?)
Friday, November 13, 2009
.: SF Found & pics from home :.
Obviously I'm trying to catch up on blog posts in one day, so here goes:
I found this pink lady just 'hanging' on the fence of Scrap, SF's version of Berkeley's Urban Ore. It's full of scraps, literally. Scraps of paper, junks from offices, used student projects, used cold pressed boards, fabric samples, wallpaper leftovers. Most of the stuff don't have price on them, so you'll have to look poor & sweet when you're there so you won't have to pay more.
I found this pink lady just 'hanging' on the fence of Scrap, SF's version of Berkeley's Urban Ore. It's full of scraps, literally. Scraps of paper, junks from offices, used student projects, used cold pressed boards, fabric samples, wallpaper leftovers. Most of the stuff don't have price on them, so you'll have to look poor & sweet when you're there so you won't have to pay more.
.: belated sentiments :.

Dear Maria,
I really enjoy reading your blog. I miss Crepe Vine a lot, and I want to see the final bird house picture, with the bird in it. I love recycled art!
PS: I miss my friend.
Yonius (how can anyone not love this guy, seriously?)
And I constantly got BB messages from my best friend updating me with her pregnancy, and another one sending me silly jokes. I am probably too busy trying to balanced out school and life, and I probably forgot to return a call or two, but these real friends still reached out for me. They didn’t leave me just because I’m busy. They understand, and we’re still friends although we don’t talk and meet every week. How lucky I am to be friends with you all, and I hope when this (a.k.a grad school) is over, everything will be back to normal. And then you can shoot me for being ‘too busy’.
Oh FYI, that girl who posted the fb status: she never call me first, never asked me how I’m doing. Whenever we talk, she spent a good half hour scolding me because I never called her. And then she talk about her achievements since the last time we talk. So I guess in a way it was an excuse :p
Monday, November 9, 2009
.: happy thoughts monday :.
Oh what a happy monday! My class is cancelled today due to a happy circumstance: my teacher's wife just gave birth to a baby girl, named Olivia Grace. Isn't it a very lovely name? I can use this spare day to do ... even more homework, lol. At least I don't have to rush everything, and right now I'm just sitting down while hugging my stinky pillow, typing these words, and drinking good coffee. I found joy in simple things, do you?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
.: crafty saturday :.
I have three ideas for this birdhouse : a tim-burton-ish circus, a shakespeare cottage, and a love nest. I'm leaning towards the circus theme because I'm very much into festival, circus-y graphics. I do have terrible craftmanship skill, so hopefully I'll be better after practice.
Friday, November 6, 2009
.: BART fashion :.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
.: look what I got! :.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
.: live like you'll die tomorrow :.
I never saw this video nor heard this Radiohead song, so naturally I was amazed. Simple yet effective (I use these words a lot lately, I noticed) Here's the lyric:
When I'm at the pearly gates
This'll be on my videotape
my videotape
When Mephistopheles is just beneath
And he's reaching up to grab me
This is one for the good days
And I have it all here
In red blue green
Red blue green
You are my centre when I spin away
Out of control on videotape
On videotape
This is my way of saying goodbye
Because I can't do it face to face
No matter what happens now
I won't be afraid
Because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen.
.: left or right :.
Do you use your left or right brain the most? I kinda know the answer already but I still took the test :) Obviously I'm right-brained, I almost got no logic whatsoever in my head.
.: ideal vs real :.
03, originally uploaded by lucy rose
This post is kinda cheating because it's already Wednesday, but oh well! :D A phone call with Yon always trigger deep conversation (weird, eh? even if we talk less than 5 minutes, the topic is always serious!) Yon & I got into a conversation about not losing track of our ideals while pursuing what's real. The creative types are in big trouble because we're idealistic to the core. Logic rarely work charms on us. We challenge logic. Let's all be honest here: we all have hopes and wishes that we sometimes have to sacrifice for the sake of keeping what's real. We abandoned what we really want for something that 'makes sense.' Every disappointment, every unfulfilled wish, everything that we deemed as 'childish' and ignored, are going to add up and eventually 'kill' you. It's never okay to loses focus of who you really are just to make people 'likes' you. When the right one comes along, every single piece will fall into place. These people should never stop make efforts, constantly showing you how they really care about you, and strive to make you happy. Love is not a word; it's all about the action. The gestures, the sweet little things they do for you, the random flowers sent to you, the supports whenever you fall (and never say I told you so), how they're sincerely interested in everything you do and say. They have to make you feel special. It's not naive to wish for someone like that. That's real.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
.: blog revamped :.
Right now I plan to have :
Happy Thoughts Mondays
My Sentiments Exactly every Tuesday
You-tube Wednesdays
Pics sent from Home every Thursday
Things I found around SF every Friday
Random crafts on Saturdays
and I save the best for Sundays: Food Shots!
Of course every once in a while I'll throw a picture or two of random things.
This week's happy news is that I got my new headset (thanks to beb's parents) so I can use my phone to actually call someone and talk instead of texting.
Friday, October 23, 2009
.: könnte schlimmer sein :.
I want this right in front of my computer so whenever I feel like a failure I can be reminded again, cheerfully.
.: even more doggie video :.
I just saw this commercial and I think it's so funny & compelling! Companies are trying to exploit dogs lately, like the recently aired Jim Beam commercial.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
.: chessie boy :.
I shot this when I went back to Indo last summer, and still my favorite video. You guys are probably sick of hearing how cute and adorable my Chester is... :p He's a big fan of fruits (mango, orange, apple, and durian!), any types of ice cream and old fashioned mints (such as miami and davos). If you want him perform usually those bribes work really well. ( Translation for non-sundanese : toel2 = colek2 huehehehehe....)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
.: abandoned :.
For those whom I have ignored and perhaps poisoned with spray paint vapors, I apologize. This is the reason why I have abandoned you all (sorry Yon, please don't get tired of the 'I have homework' excuse). This project has been taking so much of my time and literally made me sick to my stomach because I inhaled too much of spray paint vapors (I put these projects inside my room less than 24 hours after I spray them). Speaking of homework, a fellow classmate and I have this discussion on how we repel friends by saying 'I have too much homework, can't hangout'. They thought this is just our excuse for not wanting to socialize, they don't believe that we have THAT much homework. Honestly, even we can't believe that we have that much homework either. This school has been taking a major toll on my life, and I think of all 20 students that are in my thesis batch, 18 of them started to feel burned out. Right now, I'm dying to have successful projects to keep me going, because I'm aware I haven't been one of the good students. So we'll see how this semester goes :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
.: rainy day :.
I heart rain more than sunshine, but today it's like a mini thunderstorm all over the Bay area. All I want to do is hide under my warm blanket, read good books and drink good coffee. or tea. or mango juice. or... or .... you know what, fro-yo will work too. Too bad I have to go out and shop for primer and spent the afternoon spray painting my cans.
.: love/hate san francisco :.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
.: No bird got flipped :.

Friday, October 9, 2009
.: hostility :.
As someone whose thesis topic is civility, I am not civil at all. If anything, I do the topic for my own sake. I am aware how hostile I can get especially when I haven't slept well and there's a major lack of coffee in my system, or anywhere around Chinatown (HA!). I'm a hater. I hate loud piercing noises. I hate nosy people. I hate know-it-all, arrogant people. And if you're a pious, you'll never hear anything from me again. It's a good thing to do this topic, really. I have to get my attitudes and manners checked, before I judge others. Be nicer, Maria!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
.: anthro luv :.
.: freebies! :.
Okay now this may sounds like a promotion, but I got this book for free because I subscribe to my points, and I clicked every ads they sent my way. I got like 3 ads per day, 5 points each, and about three times a year I exchanged the points with $25 amazon gift certificate, which I used to buy this book :D And I thumbed this book like crazy for the past 4 days because I have to sketch 300 logos. And now I may have gone crazy, because I started to draw flying houses and wings on everything.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
.: so you think you can tell the differences? :.
If you're a dork like me who got excited when you spot your favorite type on display, you may want to take this quiz. I got 19 out of 20 !!! *braag braaag*
Friday, October 2, 2009
.: serious fetish :.
I heart shoes. Really. Especially chunky-heel-t-strap-buttery-leather-quirky shoes. I wish I can get a better shoot of the shoes but it's tough to take shoes' pictures without shaking :p Oh and my roommate got a full size mirror so i can tell whether I look like a total whacko or super stylish now :D
Monday, September 28, 2009
.: addicted :.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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