Friday, November 13, 2009

.: SF Found & pics from home :.

Obviously I'm trying to catch up on blog posts in one day, so here goes:

A Damsel in Distress

I found this pink lady just 'hanging' on the fence of Scrap, SF's version of Berkeley's Urban Ore. It's full of scraps, literally. Scraps of paper, junks from offices, used student projects, used cold pressed boards, fabric samples, wallpaper leftovers. Most of the stuff don't have price on them, so you'll have to look poor & sweet when you're there so you won't have to pay more.

Breakfast at Coffee Bean - Bandung

And my mall-hopper parents sent me this picture of their breakfast meal at Coffee Bean, one of my dad's favorite coffee spot. I don't know if any US Coffee Bean offers this, but all Asian Coffee Bean's outlet offer full breakfast sets.

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