Dear Maria,
I really enjoy reading your blog. I miss Crepe Vine a lot, and I want to see the final bird house picture, with the bird in it. I love recycled art!
PS: I miss my friend.
Yonius (how can anyone not love this guy, seriously?)
And I constantly got BB messages from my best friend updating me with her pregnancy, and another one sending me silly jokes. I am probably too busy trying to balanced out school and life, and I probably forgot to return a call or two, but these real friends still reached out for me. They didn’t leave me just because I’m busy. They understand, and we’re still friends although we don’t talk and meet every week. How lucky I am to be friends with you all, and I hope when this (a.k.a grad school) is over, everything will be back to normal. And then you can shoot me for being ‘too busy’.
Oh FYI, that girl who posted the fb status: she never call me first, never asked me how I’m doing. Whenever we talk, she spent a good half hour scolding me because I never called her. And then she talk about her achievements since the last time we talk. So I guess in a way it was an excuse :p
I love you like I love Jasmine Milk Tea with Boba :)
awwww I'm equal to Jasmine Milk Tea with Boba? That's reaaalll love! :D
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