A bit of update on life : I'm finally moving out of this apartment! Yay! And here's a peek of my future roommates, for those who've never met them yet :
Yap, those four fluffy creatures will live with me, along with their owners. It just so happened that my friend's roommate is moving out, so I'm moving in with them starting next week. Let's hope I will have more fun in my new place! :D
For my thoughts of the day, I was thinking why the heck do I write this blog in english, since y'all speak Indo anyways. Seriously, I cannot and will not write this blog in Indo. Can you imagine me yapping like this : Setelah satu bulan saya berlibur, rasanya susah sekali kembali ke sekolah. Iya saya tetap mau gelar pascasarjana, tapi tetap saja susah. Apalagi sekarang saya harus mengatur jadwal saya sendiri, ih takut!
* insert a moment of silence here out of 'merinding'*
Did I sound like I'm writing a very bad stiker angkot? Or a very very bad daytime soap script? Yeah, if I'm taking Bahasa Indonesia course in a graduate level I don't think I'll pass. So please, just bear with my bad grammars and limited vocabulary :p
HAHAHA i'm snorting when reading your indo version of your blog...especially when it ends with.."Ih, takut" hahahaha.....
LOL I know right? I couldn't bring myself to write in Indo, so call me pretentious, but hell no I won't write my blog in Indo. Oh I love your blog header btw :D
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