Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

.: singapore FOUND :.

Look what I found at Singapore's Changi airport Times bookstore: A very cool Alice in Wonderland book. They have To Kill a Mockingbird and a few others but the typography inside this book was the reason why I bought it.

For Mrs M : you can sneak a shopping spree in the airport while your husband is not looking! Just give him enough distractions hehehe... I bought these at the accessories shop in terminal 3:

.: sleepyhead :.

I think I'm getting lazier everyday. Now I can't function well without at least 7hrs of sleep. I used to stay up all night doing homework and still felt very much alive in the morning. Now every night I sleep like a log. I'd like to blame it on SF weather as always *because I can't really blame it on jetlag after almost a month, really* Anyhoo... I'd like to give a major shoutout to Steven+Margie for helping us with pictures yesterday; it was an amazing day, great job you guys!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

.: Cepichic by Lucia Antonietti :.

Originally uploaded by luciantonietti
My professor share this pretty cool video. I love the mix of 2D and 3D, as much as I love all stop motion ads. *note: the dog, THE DOG!*