Wednesday, February 18, 2009

.: life in okami :.

the evil fortress in my living room

If my life is like in the game Okami, I think my village has been surrounded by evil force & full of red mist + demon scrolls that I have to tackle. Oh, listen to me. I think I've been playing wii too much this week :p Seriously, ever since I moved to SanFran I found so many wrong things in my life, combined. I'm surrounded by angry, negative people everyday, crazy property manager who keeps on lying to our face, public transportation dramas, never-ending school pressures, lost friends... I'm overwhelmed. Others may found these everyday occurences normal (and even challenging or exciting) but I'm so tired to face conflicts all the time. There are many times I just lost it. Like what my hun said, my feng shui is way off. Nothing is right on my stars alignment. Bad living environment killed my chi. (And my head, apparently since I keep on referring to chinese culture that I don't even understand)
Unfortunately at this moment all I can do is just suck it up for a little longer & try to keep my hopes up for a better future (now I borrow lingos from a cheesy novel... darn it my chi IS dead) And how grateful I am to know that in this evil universe, I still have real good friends & family who knew my inner monster and still love me :)

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