Friday, June 15, 2007

.: layers of luck :.

I need all the luck in the world next week as I'm about to do something that will open the door to a better future (hopefully). Luck and a very good skill of communication, both I'm not very good at... what to do, what to do? Speaking of luck, I found this good luck charm called Fukuro (owl/luck) in Daiso;not only cute but also very useful:
as a good luck bandana! how 'bout that, eh?

This is a very interesting 'kue lapis' ; usually each layer is about 0.5cm thick, while the layers on this one is barely as thick as a string of thread... and smells good too! I don't have the heart to eat it, it's so pretty!


LaBu said...

skarang daiso buka di pvj ya??? harganya berapaan euy???

maria said...

iyaa tapi 17rb... :(
gw beli payung totol2/transparent..