Monday, August 17, 2009

.: Bandung nu Aing - pardon my french :.

Honestly, if I can live all by myself without parental supervisions and dramatic friends, I wouldn't mind living here in Bandung. So many cute cafés and restaurants, non-stop cutesy shoppings, great food... No wonder people from Jakarta(I refuse to call them Jakartans...weird) swarms in every week. The trend here is Shabby Chic (I know someone who will roll his eyes... ;p) and pancakes (because Pancious was popular last year... Bandung catch up a bit late I think...) Unfortunately these cutesy restaurants' food sucks big time. I'd rather eat 'jajan pinggir jalanan' alias street hawkers or a real mom n pop restaurants (insert shoutout for B'gana here haha). Now they know a thing or two of cooking. I'm actually also proud of GARUT where my dealership is. They came up with the best Batik design, continuously develop their dodol and the sheepherders just break MURI's record on managing the longest sheep queue alias barisan domba terpanjang... (agak ga penting tapi whatever lah) Here are some food snappie to torture you, Mr & Mrs SL.... muhuahahahaha...

Mbebek Bali - kafe bali

Ayam Penyet - Warung Ethnic

Nasi campur2 - Bancakan

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