Friday, May 7, 2010

.: yay me! :.

It's my birthday today, yay! :)  Thanks to technology such as Blackberry Messenger and facebook, I got more birthday wishes than I could asked for. My friends in Indo has been sending me tons of messages since yesterday. I want to share some birthday morning photos:
a gift for myself, anthropologie + lookalike

colorful tulip from beb

flower from my roomie

 birthday doodles courtesy of busy bee :)

I already know what's inside! *glee*
wheee! thank you :) 

My roommates basically spoiled me. They also bought me capuccino cake that I can't wait to sink my teeth into. And they let me eat bad, fatty food today.


MR. CU?IOSITY said...

I saw my illustration!! I miss u! :)

maria said...

I didn't delete it, lol... I miss you too!