Wednesday, November 12, 2008

.: mosquito party! :.

Chester with his way-too-small army uniform

Hong Kong airport at 7AM

Glad it's going to be a one week trip because :
1. My next door neighbor is renovating and the construction workers are super noisy. Not to mention the dust!

2. It's rainy season in here so it's super humid. Your skin is sticky (+ dusty from no.1) I wash my face every several hours because I just cannot stand how sticky & oily it is. And the mosquitoes are insane!!! I got bit six times in one hour, and most of the bites are on the most unusual places like on the top of your finger and on your knuckles.

3. I eat a lot & my friends already horrified with my body. I can eat 1 lemper, 1 kue sus & 2 tahu goreng in 1 hour. I load myself with sugar from frestea & buavita!!

4. My parents are also renovating therefore they moved most of my stuff (including my sweet flat screen 15" TV) to the rented house. Sad... I was planning to catch up on some movies while I'm here.

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