Tuesday, March 27, 2007

.: 5 0f ... Tuesday 280307 :.

After a flushot and countless antibiotics I've had last week, the cold symptoms haven't disappear just yet... Which in a way is good so I can have an excuse to have extra hours of sleep (muhuahahaha) These 5 items are what I need when I caught a cold (L-R obviously): Strepsil Lozenges special for suppressing cough (works 10 times better than my usual cough drops-no brand dropping here); packets of instant miso soup (since I'm too lazy to make real miso soup, give a sick girl a break!); Antangin JRG (traditional jamu here...); LoHanKuo (chinese fruit tea for soothing your throat); and Vitamin C. Aaand, warm little pink socks...

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